ONLY BLACK and white




The Netherlands

Astrum College
Studenten uit vijf landen op bezoek in Velp
Astrum College
Astrum College
Studenten uit vijf landen op bezoek in Velp
Astrum College

Studenten uit vijf landen op bezoek in Velp

“Ieder onderwijssysteem is anders. Het is erg interessant te zien hoe andere foto-opleidingen zijn en kennis te maken met studenten uit andere landen”, zegt Julie (22), student op het Arteveldehogeschool Graphic & Digital Media in Gent in België. Zij is een van de 25 deelnemers aan het Erasmus+Photo Project dat van maandag 8 tot en met vrijdag 12 oktober op het Astrum College is gehouden.


We live in a world progressing fast and what is new today will be part of the past tomorrow. That’s why we need professional and highly skilled photographers. 



With this project we want to give the students and teachers a wider view of photography international-
ly. This project offers not only a chance to share methods and ideas, but also to give all the partners the opportunity to meet together for inspiration; also to take photos in environments which are not possiblein their own school situation. This project gives our students and teachers a good opportunity to show ourcompetitiveness in the international labor market. Experience from previous mobility projects shows that student who have an opportunity to participate in these activities, have wider skills and have broadened their minds in the photography business and culture in Europe. This strategic partnership will be the nextstep in the popularization of this area of study.

Tallinna Polütehnikum koordineerib

Erasmus+ projekti nr. 2017-1-EE01-KA202-034920

„World in front of the camera – roaring, emotional, delightful” – WICKED.

Press release



European Vocational Students’ View of the World through the Camera’s Eye – WICKED

From 25th of April you can see the exhibition “The World Through the Camera’s Eye – Lively, Emotional, Beautiful” in a new centre T1 Mall of Tallinn.

The exhibition organized by the Tallinn Polytechnic gives an overview of the beautiful photos taken during the Erasmus + program strategic cooperation project “World in front of the camera – roaring, emotional, delightful”.

In addition to students from Tallinn Polytechnic School, students from the following schools participated in the project: Riga School of Design and Art (Latvia), Secondary Vocational School Handlova (Slovakia), Artevelde University College Ghent (Belgium) and Astrum College (Netherlands). The project consultant and one of the authors of the idea is the trainer and photographer Bruce Tanner (UK).